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About BabyMocs

Welcome to BabyMocs – we are so happy to have you!

2023 is our last opportunity to start turning global warming around for our children to live in a safe climate future.

Yes, that is what the people say who spend their lives researching the future of ours and our children.

Being climate smart does not have to be more difficult than being smart in your everyday choices and dare to realize that the choices you made earlier may not always have been the smartest.

In December 2018, we launched BabyMocs with one main goal: trying to contribute to creating a better and more sustainable planet for our children to walk on.

BabyMocs is the first vegan children's shoe brand in Europe - founded in Sweden. 
All BabyMocs are made of vegan leather – no 🐮, only 🌱🍍♻️ for 👶🏼👣

While trying to contribute to creating a better and more sustainable planet for our children to walk on we serve another purpose with why BabyMocs was born in the first place. BabyMocs is leading a project that aims at building a platform to help activating homeless people into the society again via micro jobs. 

Thank you for choosing BabyMocs - for choosing climate kind for the future of our future while at the same time helping people in your nearest society get back up on their feet again.

/ TEAM BabyMocs
Walks the Talk

About BabyMocs